March 28, 2015

Spring Blooms

One of my favorite things about Spring is all the beautiful, blooming 
plants and trees.  The colors are gorgeous!  One of my least favorite 
things about Spring is all the allergies.  But thanks to Benadryl, 
me and Spring are becoming buddies again.

I snagged this picture on our playground yesterday.

The delicate blooms plus the beautiful blue sky made this shot perfect.
I'm excited to see the other trees and plant continue to bloom!

March 22, 2015

Tieks LOVE!

If you're like me, you were scared.  You were nervous about the hype.  

"Are they really that comfortable?"
"Are they worth the money?"

The hype was REAL!  I love my Tieks more than any other shoes I own!

They are the most comfortable shoes ever!  I took them out of the 
box and wore them the next day.  I wore them the entire day at school.  
No need for bandaids to cover up rubbing spots or blisters.  My Tieks 
are no fuss fashion necessities!  They are worth every penny!  

I own three pair so far and definitely plan on going back for more.

Are you a Tieks girl yet?  If not, try a pair.  You won't regret it.

March 21, 2015

Welcome, Spring! {Henderson Park}

Our first weekend of Spring couldn't be more gorgeous!  It's sunny, temps are in 
the 70's, and my spring allergies haven't kicked in.  There wasn't a snowballs 
chance in hell we weren't hitting up a local park sometime this weekend!

We visited Henderson Park here in Tucker.  It's only a few miles from our house and is 
tucked behind a school and neighborhood.  The hubs, the pooch, and I had a blast 
walking the trails, watching the turtles swim, and checking out the ducks.  

Here are a few of the shots I snapped:

Hope everyone else is enjoying their weekend!

March 14, 2015

Field Trip Fun

It's Saturday and that means it's time for my weekly pic!

My team and I took all of our 1st grade kiddos to the Gwinnett Environmental 
and Heritage Center.  What an awesome trip for kids and adults alike!

I wish I could show all of the pics of the kids digging into the water cycle, space 
exploration, recycling, and the evolution of water over the last 100 years.  

Here's one of the pics that I can show you:

I don't what it is about old barns and buildings.  
It's like they're calling my name.

March 8, 2015

Atlanta Spartan Race {March 2015}

Running over four miles, completing 27 obstacles, and crawling 
through TONS of mud - that is the Spartan Race!

One of my buddies ran in the Atlanta Spartan Race today.  
Holy cow at the challenge this race presents!

There were rope swings, boulders, and super cold, muddy water.  But this 
guy (and tons of other ladies and gents) ran this thing and OWNED it!

Here are a couple of my favorite shots:

It was pure intensity coming over that muddy hill.

They said, "One shot, one kill."  Brian did just that!

Kudos to any and every person who has ever's nothing to take lightly.  
You should be extremely proud of yourself and feel an extreme sense of accomplishment.

March 7, 2015

Playing With Sunlight {Doggie Toy Box}

I failed...

my Project 365.

I was so excited about taking pics each day and sharing them here on the blog.  
Well, life got in the way.  I'm a little embarrassed about it, but maybe I 
bit off more than I could chew.

So I'm going to scale it back and try one pic per week.  I think that's manageable.  
Each Saturday, I'll post a pic from that week.  I'm just hoping to showcase my 
growth and share it with you guys.

Here is this week's pic: 

I wasn't sure whether I liked it in color or black/white best.
Which do you guys like better?  Or is it a toss up?

Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!